Thursday, November 6, 2008

Only 11 weeks...

I have said many times in the past few years that time is flying by. My kids are getting older every minute, my husband is getting older, yet still handsome, I am even getting older. I turned 30 this summer and have had a hard time with it. But that is a whole other story... I feel that with everything going by so quickly, I would be done with this pregnancy a lot sooner than I am. I am only 11 weeks, which means that I have like 29 more to go! I will still have about 5 months after the new year! I normally don't want time to pass by me, but I have been feeling rather yucky still and with a family of 6 to take care of, it is bothersome... in other words, I despise it! Being sick that is, not having a baby. I just came down with a terrible head cold this week. I always get a cold when I am pregnant. My glands become swollen, very swollen actually, to the point where my neck hurts and stiffens. I can't breath, due to the fact that my sinuses are stuffed up. My eyes water and my throat hurts. I know that this will last for the next couple of months too... it always does. It is just one of the side effects of my being prego!

On a more possitive note... I just found out that my other sister is pregnant too... that makes all three of us prego together and due not too far apart. My youngest sister is due in January, then me in May and my other sister is due in June, only 2 weeks after me. That will be fun!!

I took this drano test the other day that my sister took. It is one of those things that you can do to see what the sex of the baby will be. I don't believe those, really, but it said that we are going to have a boy. Now that I believe 100%! Between my sisters and I we have 8 boys. I will be happy either way, boy or girl, just so long as it is healthy... that is really all I wish for when I am having a baby, is a healthy one and a delivery with no complications. Haven't had any complications yet and don't plan on it. I am, however, a bit nervous about the delivery. That part is not fun... But the first second after the baby is born and they hand him right to me.. that is the best moment ever!! It is amazing the love you feel for that baby. I spend the whole night holding him and just watching him. It is the best!! That is something I cannot wait for!!